In the ocean, there are fish that can make Ink. Whenever they feel nervous, or afraid, those fish begin to dispense a dark & cloudy liquid. Fishermen are known to call them "Ink Fish." But the proper name for fish who produces Ink, are called "Cephalopod." [Sef- uh- luh- pod] The Octopus, and The Cuttlefish are a part of the same family. Guess who's also part of their family? Squids! Fish Ink is very popular in Italy and Spain. The Ink is used in many delicious meals, or even as food coloring. Cuttlefish are able to make a brown/reddish Ink called "Sepia." [See- pee- uh] Whether it be an Octopus, Cuttlefish, or Squid, they're exquisite. Wait... They're Ex-Squid-Zit!